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Website: http://www.captain-carp.com
Category: Recreation
Captain-Carp was founded in order to create the best boilis ever made and to assure maximum results and most fishing conditions. Our effort is beyond continents we import our products from New-Zealand, Germany, USA, UK and more. We use 8 types of cereals and totally over 35 materials that we mix and blend to create our line of boilies CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4. By assuring that our boilies contain the 4 major elements of any top bait: attraction, nutritive value, fast absorption and addictive materials, all based on natural foods and, the results are fast to come. Our philosophy is to catch (and release) more carp and making it a joyful and simple adventure.
Post Date: 13 Feb 2014 13:59:30 UTC